Monthly archives: April 2009

Tweets today

23:20 Blog: Tweets today #

02:01 On Two Wheels- Living with a single speed- some conclusions #

10:21 Blog: For England and the Turkish bloke! #

10:24 St George’s flags on a Renault? It’s possible it was built in this country, but still seems wrong. #

12:07 My Twitter personality: likeable inquisitive cautious My style: chatty coherent ROBOT #

14:28 Http:// investigate later. #

14:37 I now have a fixie to review. Same bike, no freewheel. Slightly nervous. #

15:02 Coasting has become second nature. I get Full Body Tourettes every time I forget this bike won’t let me. #

18:22 Blog: Where are the girls? #

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Where are the girls?

Where are the girls?, originally uploaded by spinneyhead.

I ink pages in two stages. Weapons, hardware etc. is done with technical pens, characters and more organic shapes with a dip pen. This is the second page of episode 5 of Mongrels- Who let the GODs out? after Rotrings but before nibs.

Tweets today

00:22 Blog: Tweets today #

09:02 Ernest Borgnine is still alive!!!!????? #

11:06 93 followers on Twitter. What can I do to clear the magic 100? #

11:29 @brianfrost @SkippyUK I prefer Brian’s tea idea to Skippy’s porn one. I am trying to keep my porn empire separate from Spinneyhead 😛 #

11:31 Free cup of tea for my next six Twitter followers. Free cup of tea with milk and sugar for my hundredth follower. (Delivery tba) #

11:46 Right. I’ll put the kettle on then. #

11:51 @DimitriMOMB Oh, okay then. You’ll need to get here in the next ten minutes though. 🙂 #

11:56 @DimitriMOMB Most of the way up the country I’m afraid #

12:26 @DimitriMOMB It’d be cold by the time it reached you if I made it. Soz. #

12:32 @SkippyUK No! Bwahhahahahahahahah- *cough* *splutter* *wheeze* #

12:54 Mongrels ep 5 layouts #done #

13:47 Playing First Encounters. Nostalgia. And the need for a joystick. #

13:56 @altepper I’m working on a novel with an eco-future theme. First drafts at #

14:00 Right. Must drag myself away from geek nostalgia and go and do some work in the studio. #

17:10 These are not the steroids you’re looking for. #

17:20 First half of Mongrels 5 line art #done #

18:50 Currently in development- bacon condoms. Not bacon flavour, actual bacon. #

19:24 Blog: Me and this army #

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Me and this army

Me and this army, originally uploaded by spinneyhead.

Damian found another box of Andy’s GIs in the attic last night. I unpacked them all into another box for this photo. I’m going to borrow a higher resolution camera to take a few more shots and see how large a print I can get.

Tweets today

23:21 Blog: Tweets today #

02:45 On Two Wheels- Living with a single speed- lazy, sunny afternoons #

12:21 Blog: Go Bananaz #

13:29 Into town for free Ben & Jerry’s (hopefully) then research/notes and maybe some time in the studio. #

14:20 Free Ben & Jerry’s FTW. #

14:22 Blog: Mongrels- Who let the GODs out? Part four #

15:39 First draft of Venn short "The Delivery" #done #

15:58 First draft of Venn super short "Sixty" #done #

20:23 Blog: Your own personal currency #

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Your own personal currency 2

I’m in research mode for Sounds of Soldiers, but this article on DIY currencies came along of its own accord. Most of the currencies discussed in the article are virtual and tradeable by mobile phone. In the first draft of Sounds of Soldiers the Levenshulme based currency- the Levy- has been imagined as a tangible item, paper chits or coins. Perhaps it might work better as an electronic unit. I shall have to consider how it will best fit into my story’s world.

Tweets today

03:21 Blog: Tweets today #

11:18 Cheerleaders! Somebody send me cheerleaders right now! #

11:20 @MagicDan85 Those’ll be for me. Don’t know how they got redirected to you. I’ve been getting your Viagra spam for some reason #

11:20 @SkippyUK No. Clowns are creepy. Particularly for doing the sorts of things I plan to do with cheerleaders. #

11:30 @SkippyUK I’m having them airmailed to me. Don’t have to do anything in any US states. #

12:40 Today’s must do job means I’m sitting at the computer staring out at blue skies and sun. Le sigh. #

12:41 And I still haven’t got any cheerleaders. 🙁 #

14:00 Mongrels ep 4 colouring #done Now for lunch #

16:48 Mongrels part 4 lettering and uploading #done May have got it in in time to be approved today. #

22:32 This week’s Orange Wednesday film is Crank 2: High Voltage @ 7 @ Odeon filmworks. #

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Tweets today

12:55 Naked bike ride planning meeting. Don’t worry, we’re keeping our clothes on for this one. #

15:19 I’ve just bought sun screen. So it’ll rain for the rest of the year. #

21:21 Blog: Building a meg city #

22:05 @ReaperStudios Memory was done on a cheap mini dv camera. Venn on a Canon HV30. #

22:22 Blog: Wincanton- twinned with Ankh-Morpork #

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Tweets today

23:24 Blog: Tweets today #

00:53 Rough edit of Sounds of Soldiers #done #

11:59 @ReaperStudios What do you need a UK writer for? #

13:21 @ReaperStudios Kick some my way and I’ll see what I can do with them. Got a lot of projects on, but always up for more. #

13:38 @ReaperStudios and I was writer/director/editor/teaboy on both. #

14:27 Out into the sunshine! An hour later than planned, but that’s usually the way. #

14:32 Layouts for part 4 of Mongrels #done #

18:49 Line art for Mongrels 4 #done Not entirely happy with the dog in this one though. #

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Tweets today

23:22 Blog: Tweets today #

00:17 Scale: Post Apocalypse Camaro #

12:03 Save the World: C,mm,n- the open source eco car #

16:01 Very short casting session. May be filming a documentary next month. #

19:55 On Two Wheels- Living with a single speed- first impressions #

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C,mm,n- the open source eco car

C,mm,n (pronounced common) is a Dutch project to design an intelligent electric car which can be built, and modified, by anyone. Some of the pages haven’t been translated yet, so I don’t know whether some of my questions have been answered or not. I’d like to know if they’re working on a drivetrain that could be transplanted into other bodies, ripping out the fossil fuelled motor and putting an electric one in its place, or whether the car only really works as a whole.

And if you built one of these for personal use, would you still get the government’s proposed grant for buying an electric vehicle?

Technorati tag:

Tweets today

23:20 Blog: Tweets today #

10:22 Blog: US Republicans want to teabag the White House!!?? #

12:13 Planning major changes to subject/setting of Venn. Venn-ers be on the lookout for communications. #

13:49 I now have a single speed bike for a week to review. #

14:46 I’m gonna call her on the telephone. Have her over cause I’m all alone. I need excitement, oh I need it bad. #

14:59 Gotta love a good bit of old yagga dagga music. (and Revolution 96.2 nostalgia) #

17:21 I think I’ll start a #done tag, for completed steps in projects. 1 page line art for Shall We Take A Trip? #done. #

19:20 Blog: What a waste of perfectly good prosciutto #

21:38 @maskeddave we can still use the sitcom material, but I want to do other stuff as well that’s quicker and easier to organise. #

22:38 Internet is grindingly slow. Why does this happen when I’m trying to use it for something productive? #

22:56 Postwork on 1 page of Shall We Take A Trip? #done #

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