George Bush

The fairy king of fairyland

What an appropriate headline, given that I’ve spent the last two days drawing a Frightened to Death by Fairies image.

George Monbiot presents another view of the Chimp’s new rules of journalism. I still get Americans repeating the “liberal media” lie to me based upon one or two newspapers adrift in a sea of corporate interests and self censorship.

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A sort of manifesto

So, after a longish post lambasting Creationism and Intelligent Design, this morning I found anti-evolution Google ads on Spinneyhead. They’re gone (you can filter out URLs of places you don’t want to be associated with, this has previously been used on sites selling Dubya blow up dolls or somesuch). If mentioning the subject again brings me more I’ll stomp on them as well.

Perhaps I should detail some of the things Spinneyhead likes, so the ads will be targetted properly. Snowboarding’s cool. It’s on my list of a hundred things to do. The last time I was on a snowboard was in January 2002, so I really need a dry slope to open nearer Manchester where I can take a few lessons.

Real Ale. You should know that Spinneyhead likes real ale after the beer fest related posts and pictures. Having said which, there’s a lot of Stella in my parents’ pantry and I’m not too proud….

Cool technology. Almost all technology is cool. One day I’ll be able to buy all the shiny toys I desire. Mobile phone technology in particular, but you really want to go to my-videophone for that.

Peace love and understanding. What’s so wrong with that? Especially as it’s Christmas.

Bikes. Cannondale, Marin, Trek, Orange. Actually, I’d really like a Raleigh Chopper, just for old times sake.

And, of course, sheep. How could I not mention sheep.

I'm a Nativity, get me out of here

Madame Tussauds has done a waxworks Nativity scene featuring celebrities. I could accept Samuel L Jackson as a wise man rather than a shepherd (“I bring a present for the child. It is the one that says ‘Baddass Motherfucker’ on it.”), and Kylie is fine as an angel. But Posh and Becks as Mary and Joseph? And Blair, Bush and Greek Phil as wise men? Somebody got too drunk at the Christmas party and wrote those down all wrong.


I spent the whole day editing together footage such as the freefall pussy, crashing planes and George Wanker Bush to a cool cover version of Take My Breath Away I found on hippocamp. I’m quite proud of the result, very good for my first go.

The problem is, the editor crashes every time I try to render the result out to file, so I can’t show you the fruits of my labours. If you want to come round, I can play it on my machine for you.

Keeping those campaign promises

It’s been over a year since I shot Tony Blair, and I still haven’t come through on any of the promises to do bizarre things to George Bush. So I just went and found a cartoony GW image online and printed out a headshot. Anyone got an air rifle I can borrow?

Or suggested cruel and unusual punishments for the Chimp?

That would explain the paranoia

Wubble U did cocaine at Camp David when his father was President, a Bush family biography claims. The book’s by Kitty Kelley, who has a reputation for doing biographies that concentrate on the dark side- Sinatra, the Royal Family and Nancy Reagan have all had the treatment. she’s even become famous enough to merit an unauthorised biography of her own.