George Bush

Chemically altered Prez

Wubble U is being given anti-depressants to control his increasingly erratic mood swings. Of course, if he was ever caught on camera having an episode it probably wouldn’t make it onto the TV.

One long-time GOP political consultant who � for obvious reasons � asked not to be identified said he is advising his Republican Congressional candidates to keep their distance from Bush.

�We have to face the very real possibility that the President of the United States is loony tunes,� he says sadly. �That�s not good for my candidates, it�s not good for the party and it�s certainly not good for the country.�

It was the CIA wot done it

The Senate Select Committee on Intelligence says that the CIA knew before the war with Iraq that there were no WMDs (or at least had enough information to assume it was a possibility) but didn’t pass this on to the President. I’m sensing a whitewash here, and I doubt Wubble U would have paid any attention if he had been told.

New York Times, may require registration.

High Value Detainee One

I just love this picture of pointy man Saddam.

Some of the details of The Trial, (or at least, yesterday’s prelude to The Trial) just scream “Re-elect Bush!” For instance, why was the only Iraqi journalist present thrown out before the hearing began? Even Saddam knows it’s a farce-

“Everyone knows this is theatre by Bush the criminal in an attempt to win the election.”

Edit Oddly enough, the Telegraph report doesn’t mention the restrictions on the press.

FW: YOU have re-ignited the Democratic Party

It’s nice to know my good work is appreciated, but aren’t there rules about foreigners making campaign contributions?

—–Original Message—–

From: Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi []

Sent: 01 July 2004 00:00

To: Ian@***********

Subject: YOU have re-ignited the Democratic Party

Dear Friend,

When my Democratic colleagues in the House elected me as Democratic Leader after the 2002 elections, I vowed to them and to you that never again will the Democrats go into a campaign where the public doesn’t know who we are, what we stand for and how different we are from the extremist Republicans who currently control our government. I believed then, as I do today, that standing up and speaking out against the Bush/Cheney Administration and their reckless method of governing was our only hope.

A majority of my Democratic House colleagues joined me in this fight. Despite the withering abuse heaped on us by Republican leaders and their right-wing allies, we stood up and spoke out against the war in Iraq. We challenged the radical policies being driven by George W. Bush, John Ashcroft, Tom Delay and their cohorts — policies too often substituting fear and terror for the need to identify workable solutions to the challenges that confronted our nation. However, the fact remains that as hard as we fight everyday to block the GOP and pass our common sense agenda, we are 11 seats short of a majority in the House. To put our country back on track, we must elect more Democrats in November and end the reign of Republican tyranny.

And I am counting on you to help us. You have brought us to the verge of victory in so many ways:

YOU have spoken out against the radical policies of the Administration and the Republican-controlled House of Representatives.

YOU have spoken out against the War in Iraq.

YOU have stood up to call for affordable health care.

YOU have worked to elect new Democratic Members of Congress in heavily Republican districts in Kentucky and South Dakota.

And YOU have re-ignited the Democratic Party.

Now we must work together to cross the finish line — to elect Members of Congress who represent Americans, not corporate special interests or extreme right-wing ideology. I ask you today to continue your help and support of Democratic House Candidates. $100 today, small to some, and everything to others, will make the difference.

We must have the funds to provide resources to our candidates. We must have YOU. With your continued voice, we can move forward our Campaign for a New Majority – a Majority of progressive representation of all Americans. Contribute to our cause today.

And after you give, send this on to your friends and colleagues. The House of Representatives has for too long been under the control of right-wing ideologues. Like the White House, the House – once known as the “People’s House” – has forgotten the very people that it is supposed to represent.

Thank you for standing up. Keep up the fight.

Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi (D-CA)
House Democratic Leader

To unsubscribe from this email list, click here

Paid for by the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, 430 South Capitol Street, SE, Washington, DC 20003, 202-863-1500, and not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.

Contributions to the DCCC are not tax-deductible.

Adjusting Spinneyhead's Sex/Politics ratio.

You can judge the political opinions in Casa Spinneyhead by how much we’re looking forward to blowing Bush up (when Ian gets round to it).

However, as the blog is just a leetle bit sex-obsessed these days, I will break away from my customary smut/sex/weirdness posts for a bit of politics from Moby.

today on cnn the jack cafferty question of the day was ‘what would you like to see Bush say in his address to the nation tonight?’

the #1 answer from viewers was ‘i resign’, and out of 600 responses only 12 were favorable to Bush.

apparently jack cafferty was very freaked out by just how much dislike there is for the job that Bush is doing.


The War President

Michael Moore has one of those composite images on its index page today- Wubble U made up of faces of soldiers killed in Iraq (hi-res version here), and an attack on yesterday’s press conference.

The Dubya picture comes on the heels of the mosaic of John Ashcroft made entirely of porn images (the image has been taken down as I write this, but consider the link potentially very un-worksafe in case it ever comes back).